Saturday, July 08, 2006

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Tiens Product

Nutrisi Pembersih

Antilipemic Tea [detail]
1. Strengthen heart system
2. Anti-aging
3. Strengthen immune system
4. For blood circulation and metabolism
5. Reduces cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis

Double Cellulose Tablets [detail]

Accelerating defecation,
preventing or reducing constipationReducing cholesterol,
preventing heart blood vessel hardeningbe avoided from overweight,
heart vessel disease, and expectedly live longer

Nutrisi keseimbangan
Nutrient High Calcium Powder [detail]
- Fit the international standard of ratio 2:1 for calcium and phosphate.
- It is rich in Protein, amino acids, vittamins and micro elenwnts.
- 100% pure, do not contain preservative.
- good mouth feel and tasty. It is a complex high calcium supplement

Hyperglycemia High Calcium Powder [detail]
Specially made for hyperglycemia people.

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder [detail]

Special features:
- helps in children brain cell,
- vision development and
- improve memory as well

Calcium Chewable Tablets [detail]
Feature :
considered to have special merit to maintain bone healtheffectively preventing any diseases relating to lack of calcium

Zinc Cream Supplement [detail]
Features :
- Zinc can influence our taste and appetite
- Zinc is significantly affecting the quality of the semen and sperm
- Zinc is rich In the hippocampus symaptosomes, it is 20 fold of the blood, and 100 fold of the spinal's fluid
- Zinc can enhances the synthesis of protein
zinc supplement will helps in strengthening our body Immune system

Spirulina [detail]
Ringkasan kegunaan :
Sebagai Nutri Vitamin lengkap yang dibutuhkan tubuh
Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Menambah sirkulasi O2 dalam darah dan otak
Mengatur Keseimbangan sistem organ Tubuh
Mengaktifkan metabolisme dan meningkatkan imunitas tubuh

Nutrisi pencegahan

Vitality Softgel Capsules [detail]
Features :
Preventing senility at advanced age.
Strengthening remembering power of children and youth.
Stimulating fetal brain cell formation.
Effectively preventing hepatitis disease.
Accelerating blood circulation in hand and feet.

Beneficial Capsules [detail]
Ringkasan kegunaan :
maintain normal cells metabolism and ensure proper blood circulationvery
effective for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and patients suffering from heart problem
enhances our body immunity and prevents ageing
safety barrier for the blood vessel of the heart and brain

Nutrisi aktif

Cordyceps Mycelium Capsules [detail]
Ringkasan kegunaan :
provide immunity controlling system for man having excessive immunity
having a high content of antibiotic concentration
restroactive power to minimize inflammation.
can enlarge blood vessel so blood supply TO the heart and lungs is improve
and minimize fatigue, solve oxygen deficiency, lower blood fat, improve body cells resistance agailst oxydation process and other effects of medicine.

Chitosan Capsules [detail]
Features :
Reduce blood lipidReduce blood pressure
Strengthen the liverReduce blood glucose level
The therapeutic effects of Chitosan capsule
Preventing high blood pressure arising from excessive salt intake Absorb heavy metal and help in excretion
Improve digestive function

Nutrisi Gen Struktur

Vigor Rousing Capsules [detail]
Ringkasan kegunaan :
anti-bacteria, anti-inflamination, antioxidant, anti-inducing
helps in promoting blood circulation reducing the deposits on the blood
vessel's wallmaintaining the function of platelet and reducing the density of plateletgood blood circulation and further preventing the brain and heart artery diseases